Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Role Models

Watching this movie I had few expectation. It was a silly, juvenile comedy from the Step Brothers, Superbad, one age bracket below Wedding Crashers family. Watching the movie though a funny thing happened. Yes it did have gratuitous use of words starting in F and rhyming with duck but underneath it there was a story that had value. Two young men who make their living selling energy drink to high school kids as a motivation to keep them off drugs have a bad day and end up before a judge. To get out of jail they end up in a program that pairs them with children in a day program. The movie is predictable, they are paired with an angry 10 year African American boy who swears like a pirate and likes boobies and 15 year old nerd who likes a live action role playing park where participants take on the rolls of knights, kings and lasses and such.

Against their will relationships form and in the end the adults grow , the kids prosper, the parents prosper and the boys get the girls. It is funny, and we do get to see lots of boobies. As these types of movies go this is one of the better ones.

Rating: 6.5

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