Monday, February 1, 2010


I watched this movie last week. I had seen moments of it here and there as I flipped through on occasion but on this day I watched the full film. It is a good story. It hit home for me a bit as my son has had a fascination with The Brady Bunch. The appeal of the The Brady Bunch for today's children is understood. Today's world is busy, parents are stressed, and the family iwth a Mom, a maid and a happy Dad is a good story.

Much the same exists for the boy in Pleasantville. A " nerd" obsessed with a Nick at Nite like show called Pleasantville he ends up sucked into the television along with his not so nerdy sister played by Reese Witherspoon. Don Knotts has a funny turn as the TV repairman who sets up this descent into the television for the brother and sister.

Once in Pleasantville they become the siblings on the sitcom. However their presence starts changing things. Tobey Mcguire or Bud as he is known in Pleasantville helps Jeff Daniels learn that things can be done differently at the malt shop and eventually accepts cookies made for the star athlete but given to him after he puts out a fire. The fireman in Pleasantville did not know what to do as all they do on the television show is get cats out of trees. Reese Witherspoon soon attracts the attentions of the boys in town but when she teaches them that there is more to boy girl relationships than holding hands things go wrong quickly.

The books in the library soon have words and those people who come into contact with new ideas soon start to see in color and actually have color. This leads near the end to racism as someone is referred to as being " colored."

I am not sure if the movie has a deeper message.It is a good story though. William Macy as the Dad who is befuddled when his wife is no longer there when he says " Honey I'm Home " nor have dinner ready is very believable.

For those that enjoy the perfect world of the older sitcoms this is one look at how those shows might be if today's modern world intrudes. For me however the question might be why would we want to spoil the pretty view of Pleasantville. I liked the movie but still like The Brady Bunch more.

Rating: 6

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