Friday, December 3, 2010

Date Night

Another movie of my wife's choice last night from Netflix. We watched a movie on a Thursday night, this be a daring event on a schoolnight after the kids were in bed. Well all the kids save my oldest who continued to blast the television from the living room.

Steve Carell is very funny and Tina Fey has become the sexy librarian it is ok to think is funny and cute. This movie started out funny and certain pieces were funny.

For example the scenes prior to the plot takeoff were cute and identifiable. The scenes when they are dining out and play a couples game of trying to come up with a " story" about the other couples in the restaurant was funny both times.

However the movie, a case of mistaken identity gone crazy becomes implausible in the extreme. I can suspend disbelief in an action movie but do not go to many for that reason, and I can suspend it in a comedy when a putz actor ends up with a supermodel but to suspend belief in an action comedy movie proved a bit much.

The movie was fine but the only part I would remember and talk to my brethren about would be Ray Liotta's scene as a mob boss. Predictable yes, but any nod to Good Fellas is good with me.

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