Sunday, September 11, 2011


My wife picked this movie up from Netflix based on a reccomendation. It was different. Embeth Davidcz plays Madeline the owner of an independent art gallery who has recently married George Johnsten a Chicago transplant from North Carolina.

When taking a trip to North Carolina to woo an eccentric artists who speaks in biblical rants they decide to take a trip to see his family. His family is not like him, his Mom takes an instant dislike to Madeline, his brother is sullen, and his brothers pregnant wife played by Amy Adams is captivated by both George and his new wife.

Amy Adams makes this movie shine, her character is naive, sweet and too, too, talkative but she bonds with Madeline.

The movie is odd. There are many scenes, sort of intermissions, that show the scenery, or the houses or the empty rooms in between scenes. The movie at times seems to me Faulkner like, with it's Southern themes and clash between the city folks and those from home.

An interesting movie and the ending in a way seems tacked on and some relationships such as between George and his brother remain unresolved and leave us filling in the blanks.

Amy Adams was nominated for Best Supporting Actress and this was well deserved. the rest of the cast, and the movie it itself is just odd enough to be interesting for that.

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