Sunday, July 15, 2012

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

I have been very looking forward to watching this movie. The reviews were wonderful, John Lecarre has been one of the best spy novel writers for a long, long,time. His writing is not wooden, not clunky, it is very literate and it is more of a challenge than the typical spy book.

I should add that we watched the movie on a very hot night, with the AC blasting as I was attempting to do a bit of multi-tasking. In short, the time I should have been spending watching the set up of the movie I was not paying close enough attention.

The movie also had the disadvantage of having to fit a full, intricate plot in a two hour movie. The movie was done very well but for me it was a great challenge. Much of that was my fault and my viewing habits, but it was further complicated by the fact that the actors, and thus the characters, all looked similar and all sounded alike.

As we watched the movie I had a good sense of what was happening but not a full sense, and all the details only made complete sense after I read a movie recap online. With that information the movie made good sense.

Still I do feel the movie was excellent and any struggles were my fault. The actors were first rate, the plot was superb, and the twists were unpredictable.

This is a great movie. Just pay attention from the beginning.

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