Tuesday, December 14, 2010

WWII in HD - The Air War

This two hour addition to the collection released by the History Channel centers on the Air War in Europe and the exploits of the 8th Air Force. Told through the eyes and memories of 4 men, one of whom was a Stars and Stripes reporter at the time named Andy Rooney ( yes that one) this is a wonderful history.

The attrition rate of these men in these battle groups was astronomical. Eventually to make sure that the Luftwaffe was a minimal force and that the Allies controlled the skies by D Day the mission changed. Bombers became bait and the fighters that initially escorted the bombers so that they could deliver their loads and escaped now accepted their primary goal as being to destroy the German fighters. If American bombers went down this was an acceptable loss. Think about being a member of a bomber crew that has to accomplish 25 missions knowing you are not much more than bait.

The courage of these men is a marvel. I read a comment on an earlier program perhaps it was Band of Brothers. How did they do it. They told themselves they were dead the minute they set foot in battle. Their was no expectation of living only of being brave and having what Hemingway would call a spectacular death.

A wonderful show. Something all young people should watch and understand. I, for one, have serious doubts about how this country would react to an external threat in these modern times

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