Monday, April 25, 2011

The Wild One

Marlon Brando plays Johnny Strabler leader of the Black Rebels Motorcycle Club who invade a small town on a weekend run. Brando is the leader of a group that does not appear to be bad so much as bored and looking for an escape. In fact during the movie he says that the club is a way for the members to let off some steam on the weekend.

Still interesting to me is that in watching as an adult I do not find much admirable about this group who come in and terrorize the town. They are not evil but still racing in the street and physically picking up an old man out of his truck can never be in my eyes seen as a funny thing.

In the movie eventually some vigilantes in the town decide to act and this leads to a confrontation. Mistakes are made and misinterpetation of the events occur. The situation becomes dangerous.

This movie was interesting. It was not great. Mary Murphy is good as the girl, the ineffective police officers daughter and Brando exudes whatever it is that stars exude. The role is not challenging but one can see that Brando owns the screen.

When Johnny is asked what it is that he is rebelling against he asks " Whaddya got? " It is a line we always remember and for Brando one of many we remember.

Watch the movie, learn your movie history but do not expect a masterpiece. This is a bit overrated.

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