Sunday, October 30, 2011

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

I enjoyed Tale of Two Cities. Great Expectations however was a wonderful novel. There may not be enough adjectives to describe it. A great story. Having long heard of the characters of Pip and Miss Havisham I now know the story.

This book takes the long way around the barn. Eventually all the characters come together and it all makes sense but for awhile one wonders how Orlick, Estella, The Convict and others will all come together.

In the story we meet Pip and learn of his hardscrabble existence living out on the marshes with his sister ( who is none to pleasant to him in bringing him up by hand ) and his sister's husband Joe. Joe, through the course of the book becomes a sainted character. Over time Pip has a run in with a convict and little to his knowledge his small act of kindness to him will change his life forever. Eventually Pip is called upon to visit the rich, eccentric widow Miss Havisham. She, with her ward Estella keep Pip betwixt and between knowing who he is and who he wants to be.

The plot has many twists and turns. If this book was one assigned to you in high school and thus one you fought hard not to read or enjoy you should try again. Now because you want to. Once you realize that it is a story you would have picked up had you known you will enjoy it much better.

Pip is a character not too be forgotten. A fantastic book.

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