Sunday, March 28, 2010

Too Much TV Leads to None

We have several shows we like to watch. That said with so much to watch, I watch less and less. Why is this, in the age of TIVO, there is a fine line between getting behind an episode or two of a show and getting so far behind that we do not think we can catch up and thus we stop watching all together. Each time I look in my TIVO menu my hand hovers over the delete button of the last 7 episodes of Nip/Tuck. Not because I do not want to watch it, but because I have no idea when we can. Another complication is that for each show we tape in our house we have a different audience. Some shows are me and my oldest son, others are my wife and I and our middle son. Some shows can be watched with anyone in the room and some are not considered friendly to my youngest daughter.

Currently my wife is two episodes behind on Grey's Anatomy, at least that in Desperate Housewives, my son and wife are behind on 24. And baseball season is about to start.

What does this mean. Not much. It is TV. I try to be disciplined about my reading. I read a good quote awhile ago, it was from a couple of decades ago and is probably a bit obsolete now. The point still holds, it states " there are two kinds of people in the world, those that turn a television on when they enter a room and those that turn one off." I strive to be the latter, if it means I m behind on Jack Bauer or Wisteria Lane that is a small price to pay. Perhaps they need Jack Bauer to come visit Wisteria Lane. That might be an episode worth watching.

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