Thursday, October 7, 2010

Jaws The Movie

While trying to find something on Netflix that my wife and middle son could watch the other day we came across this movie. It actually has aged quite well. The story of the shark eating people on the beach that stays open as the town fathers need to have the beach open to make money from the tourist season.

Roy Schneider as the police chief is very good, Richard Dreyfuss ( reminding me dramatically of my friend Andy) and best of all the character of Quint played by Robert Shaw bring much to the movie.

The second movie moves from the terrorizing of the beachgoers to the hunting of the shark. The classic line " We are going to need a bigger boat." The shark eventually is hunting the boat. Quint like Ahab wants the shark like Ahab wanted the whale. When the police chief seeks to radio for help he smashes the radio. He does not want help, he wants the shark. In the movie a story from Quint's past will tell us why. Well eventually he gets him or the shark gets him in a scene more grisly than I remember.

And the suspense is great, no great special effects beyond the blowing of shark with a propane tank. The movie proves again that less is more.

This movie holds up well.

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