Saturday, September 10, 2011

Good Luck Charlie

It seems as if the Disney channel keeps churning out these shows. My daughter who is 12 does not get to watch a great deal of television but she loves this show. I find myself in the room sometimes and watch the show with her. We could do much worse than have our children watch a show like this.

The premise of the show is that a family with three children has a baby that perhaps was not planned. Because that child is so far behind the others the oldest daughter talks to a video camera frequently telling what is happening. Each episode ends with the admonition " Good Luck Charlie."

Teddy played by Briget Mendler is the main character as the oldest daughter, most often as the videographer for Charlie. The parents are fuller characters than in most of these shows and that is planned. The producers hoped to make this a show not just for the kids but one a family could watch together. They have succeeded. I find myself laughing at the show along with my daughter. Now that they family hour of eight o clock no longer exists for the networks these shows on Disney have a strong value.

It always frustrates me that shows that we adults might want to watch such as How I Met Your Mother have to be taped as they are certainly not youth friendly. They are good shows but they should not be on at eight o clock.

Good Luck Charlie is a very good show, funny, sweet and still providing a few lessons along the way. A very good show for my daughter to watch.

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