Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What the Gospels Mean by Gary Wills

Gary Wills rights historical books but also writes often on the subject of religion. He is very literate and offers good ideas on the Gospels.

I am a reader, a seeker of knowledge in all things. I believe in God and consider myself saved by Jesus. I pray everyday.

But I do not understand it all and accept that I will not in this lifetime. I read that the Catholic church now accepts the concept of Evolution. Reading Jerry Coyne's " Why Evolution is True" one cannot help to have a thought on the truth of the science timetable of the age of the Earth etc.

Many take the Bible as the written word of God but evidence lies to the followers writing the New Testament. This does not dissipate their truthfulness.

Scientists of many colors believe in God. Their is a balance. I do not pretend to know the balance but I follow that.

I believe in God. I have read books that theorize that a reading of the Hebrew Genesis realizes that the verb forms indicate that we could be in the seventh day currently and this might explain the difference in time between those who state the age of the world as 10000 years approximately and the billions of years Scientists state.

And of course to literal people like me the fact that The Big Bang says all material came my question is who created the material in the Big Bang. In the end something just was. And if something just was you have to have a creator.

So I believe. Gary Wills is an excellent choice for those who seek to know more and learn more about their own beliefs.

In the book we learn about the creation of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and after reading it one has an understanding of the perception of each and the " specialness" of each story.

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