Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Social Network

So would you like to go see a movie about a most unlikable person who apparently cheats everyone he meets, friends included, out of money, glory, and credit for accomplishment while at the same time claiming he cares not for any of those items. Or how about a person who is so jealous and insecure over clubs he could not join or girls who would not date him that it cripples him even as he becomes a billionare.

Welcome to The Social Network the movie version of the rise of Mark Zuckerburg and the Facebook empire. I guess I expected more from this movie. After all we had been told of it being the only thing that could keep The Kings Speech from being the Oscar winner.

Having now seen both I have to say I would have been sorely disappointed had this movie won. I am not naive enough to think a character has to be likable to make a movie a good one. Indeed some of the best movies have examined the darkest characters.

This movie is just not that good. It is talky, dark and whispery. I have not learned anything I did not know other than the fact that if the movie plays it straight that the fellow who invented Napster might be one of the few people who is less likable than is Zuckerberg.

There is not a likable character in this movie. Even the twin rowers who Zuckerberg may have well stolen their idea or at least delayed theirs intentionally to give his a head start are not that likable. The President of Harvard Larry Summers comes off as pompous and demeaning so perhaps they did get that right.

One funny line in the movie is when considering their options on how to handle Zuckerberg's stealing of their idea one of the Wink's when considering violence says of course he could kick his ass he is X high and Y weight and their are two of me ( being a twin), this is a clever line.

The movie lacks clever lines what it features is a man who needs a billion dollar empire to have not friends but sycophants and not girlfriends but users. Hey it works for Donald Trump, I am sure he is not concerned.

Jesse Eisenburg makes you dislike him and Justim Timberlake does the same so in that sense perhaps they did a good job in this movie.

As for me I will take my villians as villians and my heroes as heroes, I have no interest in a person that were he not heading Facebook would be down at the internet cafe talking about all the girls who will not give him the time of day.

Spare yourself the degradation of seeing this movie.

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